Our team works hard to champion the hearth, patio, and barbecue community so our members can thrive.
The HPBA Board of Directors is the governing body for the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association. HPBA’s Board has a total of 21 voting seats: 10 manufacturing members and 11 retailers, distributors, service providers, and manufacturer’s representatives. Terms are for three years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Every year, we collect shipping data from our members so manufacturers can see trends, identify opportunities, and understand the climate of the entire market.
To give you a taste of what all of our members receive every year, you can download our shipping data from 2020-2021 for free. This is real data that you can use right away.
Once you’ve seen it, you can join the association and get the full data set every year.