Our committees work together so businesses in our industries can thrive.

Expo Committee

Our expo committee plans the annual HPBExpo and works to make it the best event of the year for our industries.

Government Affairs Committee

Our government affairs committee monitors code, regulatory, and legislative issues in the U.S. and Canada. They also define, and advocate, in close alignment with industry product sections and the Board of Directors, the HPBA’s position on all codes, regulatory, and legislative matters in support of the interests of all segments of the industry without regard to the commercial interests of any particular segment. Finally, they build and sustain affiliate government affairs programs to pursue and protect the industry’s interests at state and local agencies—including alerting, educating, and informing affiliate groups of industry issues.

Chairperson: Andrew Hasek
Co-Chair: Casey Harvey

Affiliate Leaders Committee

Our affiliate leaders committee brings together our regional leaders to understand how our members are doing across North America.

Chairperson: Joan Nutting

Every business in our industry should have a clear path to grow—and a seat at the table to shape government regulations.

Retailer Starter Pack

Here’s what’s included:

  • Free NFI course to help you boost sales
  • Government affairs podcast link
  • Discount code for our yearly HPBExpo

Don’t keep running on the hamster wheel without any help. Instead, join a community that can foster your growth and become a leader who shapes the future of our industry.

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Has your company ever been a member of the HPBA in the past?