Our codes and standards team works to represent your interests with the International Code Council, standards development organizations, and government agencies at all levels.
Search no further for everything you need to know about all of the codes and standards that directly impact your business operations. You can stay ahead of the curve with our spotlights on certain codes and standards activities.
HPBA is actively involved with other organizations that develop and revise a wide range of codes and standards that are important to our industries. Below are just some of the organizations that HPBA works with year-round.
This technical compendium eliminates the need to constantly search for information about codes and standards terms! A code is any set of standards set forth and enforced under the law by a local government agency for the protection of public safety and health. A standard is a consensus-driven technical document created by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), often in coordination with code-making organizations seeking guidance from SDOs on a particular material, product, process, or service.
Use this list of industry-related abbreviations and acronyms to save time and stay up-to-date.
ACORE American Council on Renewable Energy | AFUE Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency |
AGA American Gas Association | AHRI Air Conditioning , Heating &Refrigeration Institute (formerly GAMA) |
ANSI American National Standards Institute | ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning Engineers |
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers | ASTM ASTM International |
British Thermal Unit
CARB California Air Resource Board | CCBFC Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes |
CNG Compressed Natural Gas | CPSC Consumer Products Safety Commission |
CSA -A Canadian Standards Association America (U.S.) | CSA Canadian Standards Association |
CSIA Chimney Safety Institute of America |
Department of Energy
EC Environment Canada | EERE Office of Efficiency and Renewable Energy (USEDOE) |
EPA Environmental Protection Agency | EROEI Energy Return on Energy Invested |
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | FTC Federal Trade Commission |
FU Fuel Utilization |
GBS Green Building Standard | GHG Green House Gas |
HHV Higher Heating Value | HPBEF Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation |
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development |
ICC International Code Council | IBC International Building Council |
IRC International Residential Code | IMC International Mechanical Code |
IFGC International Fuel Gas Code | ISO International Organization for Standardization |
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | LHV Lower Heating Value |
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas | LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
MANE-VU Mid Atlantic/ Northeast Visibility Union | MARAMA Mid Atlantic Regional Air Managers Association |
NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act | NAHB National Association of Home Builders |
NBC National Building Code (Canada) | NCSG National Chimney Sweeps Guild |
NESCAUM North East States for Coordinated Air Use Management | NFGC National Fuel Gas Code |
NFI National Fireplace Institute | NFPA National Fire Protection Association |
NG Natural Gas | NIST Natural Resources Canada |
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards | OOFDA Outdoor Open Flame Decorative Appliance |
OWHH Outdoor Wood-fired Hydronic Heaters |
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | PFI Pellet Fuel Institute |
PTPACC Provincial/ Territorial Policy Advisory Committee on Codes |
Regional Planning Organization (Multi-use Air Agencies)
SDO Standards Development Organization | STP Standards Technical Panel |
TAG Technical Advisory Group | TF Task Force |
UL Underwriters Laboratory | USGBC U.S. Green Building Council |
Visibility Improvement Association of the Southeast
WRAP Western Regional Air Partnership (An RPO) | WESTAR Western States Air Resources Council |
WETT Wood Energy Technology Transfer, Inc. |
ACORE American Council on Renewable Energy | AFUE Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency |
AGA American Gas Association | AHRI Air Conditioning , Heating &Refrigeration Institute (formerly GAMA) |
ANSI American National Standards Institute | ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air- Conditioning Engineers |
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers | ASTM ASTM International |
BTU British Thermal Unit |
CARB California Air Resource Board | CCBFC Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes |
CNG Compressed Natural Gas | CPSC Consumer Products Safety Commission |
CSA -A Canadian Standards Association America (U.S.) | CSA Canadian Standards Association |
CSIA Chimney Safety Institute of America |
DOE Department of Energy |
EC Environment Canada | EERE Office of Efficiency and Renewable Energy (USEDOE) |
EPA Environmental Protection Agency | EROEI Energy Return on Energy Invested |
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | FTC Federal Trade Commission |
FU Fuel Utilization |
GBS Green Building Standard | GHG Green House Gas |
HHV Higher Heating Value | HPBEF Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation |
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development |
ICC International Code Council | IBC International Building Council |
IRC International Residential Code | IMC International Mechanical Code |
IFGC International Fuel Gas Code | ISO International Organization for Standardization |
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | LHV Lower Heating Value |
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas | LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
MANE-VU Mid Atlantic/ Northeast Visibility Union | MARAMA Mid Atlantic Regional Air Managers Association |
NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act | NAHB National Association of Home Builders |
NBC National Building Code (Canada) | NCSG National Chimney Sweeps Guild |
NESCAUM North East States for Coordinated Air Use Management | NFGC National Fuel Gas Code |
NFI National Fireplace Institute | NFPA National Fire Protection Association |
NG Natural Gas | NIST Natural Resources Canada |
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards | OOFDA Outdoor Open Flame Decorative Appliance |
OWHH Outdoor Wood-fired Hydronic Heaters |
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | PFI Pellet Fuel Institute |
PTPACC Provincial/ Territorial Policy Advisory Committee on Codes |
RPO Regional Planning Organization (Multi-use Air Agencies) |
SDO Standards Development Organization | STP Standards Technical Panel |
TAG Technical Advisory Group | TF Task Force |
UL Underwriters Laboratory | USGBC U.S. Green Building Council |
VISTAS Visibility Improvement Association of the Southeast |
WRAP Western Regional Air Partnership (An RPO) | WESTAR Western States Air Resources Council |
WETT Wood Energy Technology Transfer, Inc. |
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