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HPBA Product Sections Addendum

The HPBA Board of Directors voted to implement the sections model in October of 2012. As of November 2014, HPBA has four Sections. 

There are several advantages of organizing into Sections. Most valuable is the idea that the association will provide more opportunity for members with the same product lines to identify issues and to work together more effectively on common projects. This allows for the product groups to supplement the association’s programs which is a value‐add to each member. Last, but not least, reorganizing the association into Sections will give more fiscal and policy voice to those members directly impacted by a project. 

Members of HPBA must join all Sections for which they manufacture products. Each company will have one vote per Section and should furnish the contact name of its representative for a Section and/or subsection (if applicable) upon request. Each Section will meet at least once per year. Each Section elects leadership and governs itself with oversight from the HPBA Board of Directors and appropriate line Committees. Copies of Section charters and/or elected leadership will be furnished upon request. 


Sections and Products Covered 

The Sections below have been formed within HPBA. Note that when a company is a member of a Section, it should also join any and all applicable subsections, for example, the Fireplace subsection of the Solid Fuel Hearth Section. A company may choose to have different members of its staff participate on different Sections and/or subsections. HPBA may add additional Sections and subsections in the future. 

1. Barbecue Section – Covers manufacturers of all grills, smokers, fuel and accessories for barbecue products, including OEM suppliers 

2. Electric Hearth Products Section – Covers manufacturers of electric fireplaces and accessories used for such appliances, as well as OEM suppliers 

3. Gas Hearth Appliance Section – Covers manufacturers of gas‐fired appliances, including outdoor gas hearth appliances, their components, and accessories, as well as OEM suppliers 

4. Solid Fuel Hearth Appliance Section – Covers manufacturers of wood, pellet or other solid fuel fired appliances, including outdoor solid fuel hearth appliances and their components and accessories, including OEM suppliers 

If you have questions about whether a product is covered by a Section, please contact the Membership Department, (703) 522‐0086. 


Funding of Section Programs 

Section members will support the programs that their Section creates. Collaboration among Sections, as appropriate, will be allowed. In some cases, a Section can also request that a program is of such general importance that it should be funded from the general funds of the association. This determination shall be made by the Board of Directors. Nonpayment of a Section’s assessments can be grounds for expulsion from HPBA, as per the policy of the HPBA Board of Directors. Note that not all Sections will pay assessments – only those Sections that decide to conduct projects beyond the Association’s core programs. 


The established funding mechanism provides that each member pays an assessment that is roughly proportional to its share of the market. In order to collect the data necessary to utilize this process, companies will now be required to disclose the percentage of its North American revenue by Section area, with the total adding up to 100%. Should a company choose not to disclose the percentage of revenue make‐up, HPBA will assume 100% for each product Section selected. HPBA understands that this information is proprietary, and as such, all percentages disclosed will be kept strictly confidential by HPBA staff and will not be shared for any reason, just as HPBA already does for membership information. 




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